Positive and Negative effects of Computer


Many modern technologies such as cell phones, Mp3, Mp4, iPods and computers. For many people, the computer is a very important invention and it helps us greatly. But not everyone knows, besides its good effects, it also has a bad effect.

First are the good effects. The computer is a technology that gives us a lot of information. For example, when we have projects or school assignments, we can easily find answers. We will not find it difficult to find information on books, the computer itself will give us an answer. Secondly, the computer also helps us to communicate with our loved ones abroad. The computer also helps large businesses with the internet.

Next are the bad effects of the computer. First of all, this is a problem with young people. Others neglect their education due to the computer. Young people are attracted in playing computer games like DOTA. Secondly, time is not the only one wasted, as well as the money. Students spend their money on gaming rather than eating. The third and last bad thing about the computer is the pain it can cause. Due to the length of time you spend in front of computer, head ache or the dizziness cannot be prevented.

Today's technology is growing. But always keep in mind that it is not as good as it can be. It can also harm us. So used it properly and do not abuse these technologies.


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